Posted on October 05, 2019by Assunta D'Ercole in blog
Palazzo d'Avalos of Scerni, prestige and charm of Renaissance type Less impressive of its namesake Vasto, but equally evocative and rich in history, Palazzo d'Avalos of Scerni is an example of Renaissance architecture perfectly integrated in the context of the current city,…
Posted on August 12, 2019by Assunta D'Ercole in blog
Carunchio, ancient village in the Mountain Community High-Vastese Among the villages of the Mountain Community High-Vastese, in provincia di Chieti, there Carunchio, village of just over 600 inhabitants perched 714 metri sul livello del mare. Quiet and quaint, Carunchio boasts…
Posted on July 01, 2019by Assunta D'Ercole in blog
Celenza sul Trigno, A sentry on the river 646 metri sul livello del mare, the Mountain Community High Vastese, is Celenza sul Trigno (CH), which with its approximately 900 inhabitants presents itself as a friendly and peaceful village, in which…
Natural Reserve of Punta Aderci, unspoiled jewel of the deep blue sea, a view facing the blue horizon between sky and water to the profiles of the Gran Sasso and Maiella. The Reserve Punta Aderci, in the territory of Vasto…
Pollutri and the Regional Natural Reserve Bosco Don Venancio In the territory of Pollutri, in provincia di Chieti, It covers one of the last stretches of lowland forest on the Adriatic coast: the Nature Reserve Wood of Don Venancio. Who is the…
Posted on April,en 27, 2019by Assunta D'Ercole in blog
All good reasons to buy a house in San Buono If you decide to buy a house in San Buono is a real lifestyle choice. The little village of more than 900 anime, part of the Mountain Community…
Posted on March 25, 2019by Assunta D'Ercole in blog
Cupello, old village a few kilometers from the sea A few kilometers from the Costa Trabocchi, a 264 metri sul livello del mare, Cupello rises, center of almost five thousand inhabitants in the Middle Vastese. Country rich in historical monuments and places of…
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