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Natale in Abruzzo

Events in Abruzzo – The rings of Lanciano

The rings of Lanciano

Rings of Lanciano, a four centuries long tradition was a 23 December about four hundred years ago. Monsignor rate, Archbishop of Lanciano, He decided to go in procession barefoot, Following the canonical, the church dell'Iconicella, erected…

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Events in Abruzzo – Living Nativity in Gissi

Living Nativity Gissi

Gissing, the 15 December returns the Living Nativity of the boys of St. Francis is back for the 23rd year, a Gissi, the Living Nativity "The King Poverello", staged by guests and operators of St. Francis Rehabilitation Center.…

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Events in Abruzzo - Christmas in Vasto

Christmas in Vasto 2019

Christmas Events in Vasto: December 8 comes on the atmosphere of Christmas is all ready for the start of the Christmas events in Vasto (CH). As per tradition, it starts Sunday 8 December at 17 with the ignition, in the old town, tree…

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