Posted on December 19, 2019by Assunta D'Ercole in blog
Rings of Lanciano, a four centuries long tradition was a 23 December about four hundred years ago. Monsignor rate, Archbishop of Lanciano, He decided to go in procession barefoot, Following the canonical, the church dell'Iconicella, erected…
Posted on December 12, 2019by Assunta D'Ercole in blog
Gissing, the 15 December returns the Living Nativity of the boys of St. Francis is back for the 23rd year, a Gissi, the Living Nativity "The King Poverello", staged by guests and operators of St. Francis Rehabilitation Center.…
Posted on December 05, 2019by Assunta D'Ercole in blog
Christmas Events in Vasto: December 8 comes on the atmosphere of Christmas is all ready for the start of the Christmas events in Vasto (CH). As per tradition, it starts Sunday 8 December at 17 with the ignition, in the old town, tree…
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