Property ID : 1483

Sale €140.000,00 - Fireplace, Casa Antica, Village house, Casa in centro storico, house semi-detached, Terracielo, Terratetto
135 3 Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms
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Ancient brick village house masterfully renovated. It is a terraced house used as a B&B composed of entrance/reception, area colazione e bagno al piano terra; camera da letto con bagno ensuite e cucina al piano primo; area lettura/relax con balconcino , lavanderia e camera con bagno ensuite al piano secondo; appartamentino con camera, cucina e bagno al piano terzo. Ambiente raccolto, grazioso e confortevole come una bomboniera. Speciale per viverci e/o come investimento per attività.

Central location in a small village where you can rediscover traditional customs and traditions preserved and repeated over time. A few minutes from the Adriatic coast of Trabocchi and the cycle path where you can admire unique sea and nature.

Features: pompe di calore nelle 3 bedrooms, stufa a pellett al piano terra, boyler per acqua calda sanitaria, possibilità di collegare al gas metano, finestre in pvc, pavimenti in gres, bagni con materiali di qualità e sanitari sospesi, decori e fregi interni eseguiti a mano. Autoclave da 1000 LITER, tetto coibentato internamente con pannelli isolanti, tetto con guainamanutenzione nel 2019

Price: ammobiliato € 140000

Class energetica: G

Surfaces: home 135 m, vano piano terra catastalmente uso negozio mq 11, balcony 6 m

Distances: town center; 7 km from the Adriatic Sea, Pescara airport 60 km; Rome airport 290 km; Naples airport 200 km; impianti sciistici di Roccaraso 90 Km

Pollutri: Altitude 180 m s.l.m. Surface,es 26.17 km² Type of territory Coastal hill Inhabitants 2224

A Pollutri between history and culture

Among the hills of the Middle Vastese, in provincia di Chieti, worry Pollutri. This characteristic village combines in itself architecture, history and nature. Its origins date back, in all probability, to 500 after Christ, but some archeological finds show that the area was inhabited in pre-Roman times. The story of the small town, with just over two thousand inhabitants, It can be felt at every step. The heart of Pollutri It is the fortified village in the highest part of the country, arcaded, steps, stairways, alleys. If the facades of houses have been renovated between the XVII and XIX century, underground cellars and maintain an ancient identity, mysterious and fascinating.

Visit Pollutri

In addition to observe the beauty of the fortified village, visit Pollutri means admire many examples of early Christian architecture. In the church square stands the church of the Holy Savior, dating back to the fourteenth century. The abbot Pacichelli, in 1703, also he spoke of the existence of a bell tower spire. Currently the church has a neo-Romanesque facade. In ancient times there was also the monastery of San Barbato, founded in 1015, of which the original fountain was found. They are also the ruins of the Church of Saint Lucia, possession of San Barbato, near which they were found fragments of votive clay dating back to the third-century B.C..

The Don Bosco Venancio

In the territory of Pollutri is guided Nature Reserve Don Bosco Venancio, protected area established in 1999. With around 78 hectares located 5 kilometers from the sea, planiziari is one of the last forests on the Adriatic coast. The Bosco It offers solemn and enchanting atmosphere, with a series of fluvial terraces that overlook the Sinello. A Pollutri nature, the tradition and the present merge in an environment suspended in time, where still live the ancient arts such as embroidery, Lace and lace pillow. The kitchen, Furthermore, It is typical of the Middle Vastese, with 'ndroccioloni (homemade pasta), the award-winning sausage Ventricina, tarallucci the wine and bocconotti.

What to do in Pollutri

If you are wondering what to do in Pollutri, know that in the village throughout the year traditional festivals are organized. The first Sunday of May is celebrated St. Nicholas, while the preceding Friday is the typical "Launch of Taralli". Every year, Furthermore, the last Saturday in May is held the pilgrimage Pollutri-Shrine of Our Lady of Miracles Casalbordino, to commemorate the apparition of the Madonna to the city pollutrese Alessandro Muzio. In August, the Bosco Don Venancio home to the grape and wine festival. In November, do not miss the food and wine event "Prosit! Polo Uthar - Memories and flavors peasants ". The 6 December, finally, it is the feast of St. Nicholas, and traditional cooking, the night before, the beans in the square outside the Church of the Holy Savior.


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