Events in Abruzzo – The rings of Lanciano

Rings of Lanciano, a four centuries long tradition
Was a 23 December about four hundred years ago. Monsignor rate, Archbishop of Lancaster, He decided to go in procession barefoot, Following the canonical, the church dell'Iconicella, erected by himself, to commemorate the journey of Mary and Joseph from Nazareth to Bethlehem. It was dusk, and the output of the procession was accompanied by the sound of “rings”. At the back of the parade in Cathedral, all the bells of the city rang festively, to announce the arrival of the Redeemer. The tradition of rings, Lanciano, It begins well. In the capital frentano, for centuries, Christmas comes on the afternoon of 23 December, recalling that ancient pilgrimage that became tradition from the end of 1500.
Rings of Lanciano, Christmas comes 23 December
The custom, in centuries, it is rooted deeply in the city. The sound of Rings of Lanciano, bell placed on the top of the Civic Tower, He announced in a solemn manner the beginning of Christmas celebrations. On the afternoon of 23 December, The city center comes alive with the formation of a parade that starts at the church dell'Iconicella. The pilgrimage lasts about an hour and the return, for 19, the rings starts the concert with all the bells in the country. Then the citizens, after exchanging Christmas greetings, returning to their homes, in the presence of older householders, hugging and, in case of disputes, making peace. On the tables there stands the dinner party and fireplaces is the place "tecchio", a root olive which shall last until Epiphany.
Rings of Lanciano, Christmas in tradition and local identity
The tradition of Rings of Lanciano, solemn and evocative, It persisted until the war years. After some variations and a long interruption, the ceremony was resumed, the 23 December 1984 Emeritus Archbishop Enzio d'Antonio, missing for a few days. The rings is a profound mark of identity Lanciano. Its sound calls to rally the community, strengthens the concept of family, calls for reconciliation, mutual respect, warms the streets initiating an evocative and poetic ritual, where the streets, the walls, the box, le chiese, become a living element where residents feel welcomed and protected. The rings of Lanciano is the Christmas breaks in the city, with an ancient and absolute power.