Events in Abruzzo – The carnival

Carnival in Abruzzo, between rites and myths
The Carnival in Abruzzo It is an ancestral rite, It arises from the bond with the land and the seasons, with the awakening of nature after winter sleep. The Abruzzo Carnival figure is not excessive, but the propitiatory, liberating the burning of the character he plays Carnival, the rebirth. Not surprisingly, the symbol of the regional Carnival mask is Frappiglia, generous farmer, selfless and smart that, after having sold his soul to the devil, can gabbarlo, asking in exchange for the opportunity to make a will. So, at the time of death, before a notary and representatives of Heaven and Hell, Frappiglia asks inherited the only valuable asset, ie his own life. This gets to return to the realm of the living, however, bringing with it the signs of the temporary passage Hereafter: Frappiglia, indeed, wearing white shirt, symbolizing heaven, a frayed gray suit with fiery leaves and a red birthmark on the face, remember Hell.
Carnival in Abruzzo, the masks
Frappiglia is not the only Abruzzese mask of Carnival: with him there are the insidious friend Baloscio, the domineering gendarme wheel and the bloodthirsty bandit Tritapepe. The Pulcinella Abruzzo, Furthermore, They are white and colored, godlike they have an origin and are related to the cycles of nature. They bring a long headdress, Conical and adorned with flowers, laces and ribbons. The dress, instead, It is decorated with whips and clubs flourished. In Francavilla al Mare is another typical character of the Carnival, ie Patanello, the cobbler of the country experienced between late nineteenth and early twentieth century, extravagant, charismatic and loving of the taverns. It inspires him the mask of the traditional Carnival Francavilla al Mare, now organized by far 1948 and it becomes indispensable tradition for the region.
Carnival in Abruzzo, the most beautiful parades
The Carnival Francavilla al Mare It provides for 2020 three events, the 16, the 23 and the 25 February, with extraordinary processions of floats, able to attract thousands of tourists, between flag wavers, stilt walkers and jugglers, in a party atmosphere that enchants young and old. Among the most beautiful traditions of Abruzzo there are also Carnival of Montorio al Vomano, with the representation of the Carnival death, and the Carnival of Sant'Egidio alla Vibrata. Much awaited is the Grand Carnival Scerni, which will come this year to 47th: the 25 February, starting from 15, floats, set up by the association Carnevalari Scernesi, They will depart from Piazza De Riseis to kick off a party made up of masks, dances, music, entertainment and lots of fun. In addition to the most well-known representations, there are many Abruzzo towns that give life to their Carnival, with fantasia, color, and the right amount of healthy madness that makes this festival, always one of the most anticipated.