Events in Abruzzo – The Wolf of Pretoro

Events Pretoro

Abruzzo Traditions: the Lupo Pretoro (CH)

Among the many legends and Abruzzo's tradition is that of the Lupo Pretoro, in provincia di Chieti. The mystery play "Lu Lope" refers to a very significant sacred history, one linked to the Miracle of St. Dominic and the Wolf. Legend has it that, traveling to Cocullo, San Domenico would make you the star of a miraculous event linked to the kidnapping of a child by a wolf. It is said that, while parents were intent to cut wood, little was captured by a wolf. Recalled from the mother's desperate cries, San Domenico decided to intercede with the Lord with a prayer and the Wolf, ammansito, I go back, returning the child to his parents.

"Lu Lope" Pretoro

The legend of "Lu Lope" Pretoro It evokes ancestral fears typical of mountain areas. Nestled in the mountain community of Maielletta, Pretoro is one of the most beautiful villages in Italy not only for its historical and architectural features, but also for the strength of its traditions. The solemn celebrations in honor of San Domenico Abate combine the sanctity of the religious festival with profound poetry to popular belief. Every year, the first Sunday of May, after Mass in the church dedicated to the saint, the first morning is always dedicated to the "serpents". Larger snakes and most beautiful found in Pretoro surroundings are carried in procession behind the statue of San Domenico and, afterwards, The awards honor the serpents that have captured the three longest snakes.

The miracle of "Lu Lope"

The day always ends with the evocation of Miracolo of "Lu Lope". The actors of the performance are the so-called "fusari", ie local artisans. The child, instead, It is traditionally interpreted by the last male born in the country. The role of "Lu lope" is given to a man wearing a wolf's skin and a papier-mâché and leather hat. The performance takes the audience on a time away, made of simple and ancient devotional gestures. Exciting and engaging is the time travel, through forgotten rituals and ancestral fears, related to real contact, harsh and at the same time confident with nature. The Abruzzo's tradition build a fascinating mythology, cozy and yet to be discovered.


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