What to see in Abruzzo – Civitella Alfedena

Civitella Alfedena

A walk in Civitella Alfedena, to meet the wolf

As in any beautiful fairy tale, Civitella Alfedena it is the realm of the possible. It is the fairy village where you can meet characters who live on the edge of the imagination, where you fantasize about adventures, of intricate woods, of spells and fears. Civitella Alfedena is the kingdom of the Apennine Wolf. As a child it is easy to guess the prodigious plot that sustains places and things, that overcomes time and reasoning by transforming them into magic. As children we went to the Belvedere of Santa Lucia with the carefree awareness that from there you could see the wolf, sometimes. The prince of the woods did not always indulge in looks, but the little ones knew it was there, they knew for sure, because the adults had guaranteed it, also ensuring that there was no danger in observing it from the top of the walls.

The Wildlife Area of ​​the Apennine Wolf from the Belvedere of Santa Lucia

Today, in Civitella Alfedena, see the Apennine wolf it is not difficult. The patient work of repopulation has led over the years to reconstitute the mythical "herd of Civitella" which, in the 1990s, it had been decimated by a bad epidemic. The area where the wolves live, of about four hectares, it is completely fenced and adjacent to the town, delightful village where traditions continue to inhabit alleys and streets, thanks to the craft shops where the visitor can find hand-woven fabrics, painted pottery and local honey. In addition to’Wolf Wildlife Area, Civitella Alfedena also hosts the Lynx Wildlife Area. From the Belvedere of Santa Lucia, where you reach the homonymous church, the view sweeps free up to the lake of Barrea.

Civitella Alfedena and the Museum of the Apennine Wolf

A must for those visiting the Abruzzo National Park, Lazio and Molise, Civitella Alfedena is located on the slopes of Monte Sterpi d’Alto. Behind the village opens the majestic Camosciara amphitheater. Before entering the Wolf Wildlife Area, you can visit the Museum of the Apennine Wolf, dedicated to history, to ethology, to the biology and legends surrounding this fascinating predator. The Museum also houses a space dedicated to environmental interpretation and a photographic exhibition of the Park, in addition to the Information Office, available to those seeking assistance and directions to visit the Park. With around 300 inhabitants, Civitella Alfedena is a village with a strong identity, capable of infecting the visitor with its countless suggestions, between paths of historical and cultural interest and the poetry of a time that has stopped, to cradle ancient traditions.

Museum of the Apennine Wolf, anti Covid-19 schedules and recommendations

Due to the restrictions imposed to contain the COVID contagion 19, it is preferable to book the visit to the Museum of the Apennine Wolf, by sending an e-mail message to the email address lupo.civitella@parcoabruzzo.it, or by calling the telephone number directly 0864-890141. The Museum is open every day (except Tuesdays from 3 March to 30 April), observing the following timetable: April / September 10.00/13.30 – 15.00/18.30; Other periods of the year 10.00/13.30 – 14.00/17.30. Admission for adults is 3 euro, for children give 8 ai 14 years of 2 euro and for groups (the 11 a 50 people), of 30 euro. For more information on Civitella Alfedena, its beauties and other curiosities about the Abruzzo National Park, Lazio and Molise, you can click on these links: http://www.parcoabruzzo.it/paesi.scheda.php?id=66035; http://www.parcoabruzzo.it/pagina.php?id=514; http://www.parcoabruzzo.it/cen_dettaglio.php?id=12

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