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Abruzzo Traditional sweets - I Bocconotti

The bocconotti

Bocconotti, Abruzzo excellence to conquer So good to eat them in one bite. This is why the Bocconotti, sweet typical of Abruzzo, in particular the area frentana, They are so called. The Bocconotto is a pastry masterpiece,…

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Events in Abruzzo – The rings of Lanciano

The rings of Lanciano

Rings of Lanciano, a four centuries long tradition was a 23 December about four hundred years ago. Monsignor rate, Archbishop of Lanciano, He decided to go in procession barefoot, Following the canonical, the church dell'Iconicella, erected…

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Abruzzo religious – Lancaster

Eucharistic Miracle of Lanciano

The Eucharistic Miracle of Lanciano, when the mystery is history ancient town, rich in history, art and mystery, Lancaster, in provincia di Chieti, It is known throughout the Catholic world to the Eucharistic Miracle. The sacred relics are kept…

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